Tuesday, October 23

Installing aMSN Messenger Howto

A very nice MSN compatible messenger application, aMSN Messenger is a multiplatform MSN messenger clone. Works pretty much like its Windows based counterpart. Perfect for keeping in touch with those friends who have not yet seen the light. Works on linux well.

Linux Installation Howto:
1. Download the software http://sourceforge.net/projects/amsn/
2. Untar the package
sh amsn-0.97RC1-1.tcl84.x86.package

3. It will install all required dependecies like tcl, tk, tls, etc.. if error occured during installation, install the missing package using yum command.
3.1 #yum install tcl

3.2 #yum install tk
3.3 #yum install tls
4. Upon completed, run the aMSN messenger from AppMenu > Internet > aMSN.

aMSN messenger can support webcam as well and other features
much like the windows messenger.

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